Today I decided to change things up a bit today is not about makeup. Today I wanted to post about the beauty in the world. All i hear now a days is how everyone hates where they live and about how its a "dump" but the people who call it a dump are usually the first ones to throw garbage on the ground. Home is what u make it, if u can't take the time to keep it clean then u shouldn't complain. I have had the chance to take some Amazing pictures of my home town that will show the beauty of whats around us. We are blessed to live in a town that has running water and green trees all around us.Yes there is garbage floating in the river and on the roads but nothing will change if ur not willing to make a change. Stop and look around and u will see whats truly amazing. So next time u hold a Tim Hortons cup in ur hand or u just finished the last Mc Nugget and u hold the container in ur hand look around u does the world really need another red cup floating down the river or a nugget box to show just how much we love fast food? There is only 1 way to keep or planet clean and it start with YOU!!
Thanks for stopping by. I hope u have a clean and amazing day!
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